8mln hectares of unused agricultural lands withdrawn in Kazakhstan

«The annual volume of beneficial lending of spring-sowing and harvesting works, and forward purchase through the Food Corporation has been raised twofold. From 2019 to 2022, the volume of investments in the sector rose by 72% and reached 850 billion tenge, which allowed to create 25,000 new jobs. 290 projects worth about 540 billion tenge are being implemented in agro-industrial sector, due to which 6,600 jobs will be provided,» said Smailov.
As the Head of the Government noted, 8 million hectares of unused agricultural lands have been withdrawn by the state.
According to him, the implementation of «Auyl Amanaty» state program will let employ more than 350,000 people which will contribute to increasing the incomes of more than 1 million rural residents. 1 trillion tenge is envisaged for this.
5,300 micro-loans worth 29 billion tenge have been issued to date, due to which more than 4,500 jobs have been created.