750 thousand Kazakhstanis to improve their financial literacy in 2024
750 thousand Kazakhstanis are to take financial literacy courses ‘Karyzsyz kogam’ (Debt-free society) this year, Kazinform News Agency correspondent reports.

In addition to face-to-face seminars, everyone willing to improve their financial literacy can make use of the online platform qogamfin.kz, which was presented today at the press center of Amanat party.
According to the project’s head Akmaral Bekmurzayeva, last year, 65 thousand people undertook the courses. This year, the project targets 200 thousand adults, 100 thousand students and 450 schoolers.
Bekmurzayeva said that the block on investments which is of great interest to participants has been added. As she noted, the courses place a great focus on loan and deposit assessments.
This year, the online platform qogamfin.kz that will host video and teaching aids has been commissioned. The platform was launched for effective management of student numbers.