Zhas Otan must be core of Kazakhstan's youth policy - Maulen Ashimbayev

ASTANA. KAZINFORM First Deputy Chairman of Nur Otan Party Maulen Ashimbayev has commented on the Kazakh President's words regarding the Party's role in handling youth problems.


"Being a supporter of the Leader of the Nation, Nur Otan Party will assume responsibility for effective fulfillment of all the Presidential tasks," Ashimbayev posted on his Facebook account.

"Indeed, our youth is like the energy of future. This is a new generation that grew up in independent Kazakhstan, the generation that can obtain higher education at the best universities of the world," he noted.

"In his words, the Head of State has voiced today additional mechanisms of governmental support of youth. The construction of rental housing in large cities, the allocation of grants for young researchers, the establishment of the Fund of Youth Startups Support, ensuring affordability and high quality of education, employment assistance - all of these provide new opportunities for our youth," the post reads.

"Zhas Otan youth wing of Nur Otan Party must become a core of Kazakhstan's youth policy. Zhas Otan will work over unification of the most progressive, creative and active young people," Maulen Ashimbayev assured.

He also congratulated all the young people of the country on the beginning of the Year of Youth which, in his opinion, opens new unique opportunities for younger generation.