Uzbekistan to widely celebrate Abai’s 180th anniversary

The 180th anniversary of the great Kazakh thinker and poet, Abai Kunanbayuly, will be widely celebrated in Uzbekistan this year, Kazinform News Agency reports.


“This year we plan to mark the 180th anniversary of Abai Kunanbayuly at a high level. The list of activities and events is being approved. The Council of Kazakh Literature put forward its proposals,” said Turssynali Akhmetov, Chairman of the Council of Kazakh Literature at the Union of Writers of Uzbekistan.

According to him, research-to-practice conferences, poetry competitions and contests will be organized as part of celebratiion.

“In order to popularize Abai’s legacy among schoolchildren and youth, various competitions will be held. Poetry competitions and international aitys among akyns-improvisers will be organized,” he said. 

Earlier, it was reported that Astana Opera plans to honor Abai's 180th anniversary with an art song concert.