Turkistan to be granted special status, as senators pass the law

Senate deputies have approved today in two readings the law “On special status of Turkistan city,” Kazinform News Agency reports.


As senator Bauyrzhan Kaniyev said, the objectives of the law are as follows:

1) creation of an effective system of management, preservation and maintaining safety of the monuments of culture and history, as well as historical and cultural heritage site;

2) planning and management of archeological and scientific-restoration works in the territory of Khoja Akhmet Yassawi Mausoleum and its protective zones;

3) preservation, development, and revival of the historical and cultural heritage, and development of national craftsmanship;

In particular, the law prohibits construction of the facilities exceeding seven meters in height at a distance of 100 meters from the border of the mausoleum’s protective zone, as well as construction of projects not compatible with the historical and cultural monuments in scale, color and materials used.

In accordance with the law, the city maslikhat is imposed 37 competencies.

“As per the law, the maslikhat is entitled to approve the city’s urban development regulations and design-code, architectural look of the city and urban planning, the procedures for using the regional symbolics etc. For its part, the mayor’s office will exercise state control over protection and use of historical and cultural heritage sites in the territory of the city. It will also coordinate the development of national craftsmanship in the city and its infrastructure,” Bauyrzhan Kaniyev said.

The mayor’s office will also be responsible for the control of transit vehicles’ movement through the territory of Turkistan etc.