Time of wisdom, insight and implementation of plans - what will the year of the Green Wooden Snake be like

In a few days, the New Year 2025 will come to Earth, the patroness of which is the Green Wooden Snake. What does the time of the wise Snake promise us, what will the year be like in general, what should representatives of the zodiac circle expect from it - this is in the article of the correspondent of the Kazinform News Agency.


The number 9

The numerological code of the new 2025 is the number 9, denoting the completion of a cycle, farewell to the past, transformation and spiritual awakening.

The number 9 is associated with wisdom, intuition, compassion and spiritual growth. And if the 2024th year of the Dragon was distinguished by impulsiveness and unpredictability, which were the basis for conflicts and instability, then the number 9 can lead to the completion and transformation of the negative trends that existed in 2024, numerologists believe.

Peaceful Snake and Lucky Trigon

Many people are alarmed by the fact that it is the year of the Snake, because this animal is often considered dangerous, insidious and hostile. But in 2025, the Snake will be green. This color in Chinese culture brings purity and is associated with prosperity, growth and harmony. Therefore, in 2025, the Green Snake will help protect the house from evil spirits and bad omens. In addition, in the new year, the Green Snake will belong to wood. And the main color of this natural element is green. In Chinese mythology, this element marks the beginning and is closely associated with dawn and the birth of a new day. Therefore, in the coming new year, the most peaceful snake has fallen - the Green Wooden. It is characterized by wisdom, wit, charisma, sensuality, magnetism and is completely devoid of vindictiveness, cunning and aggression.

As astrologers note, in 2025, Neptune will complete its transition to the constellation of Aries, and Uranus to Gemini. In this regard, three distant celestial bodies - Neptune, Uranus and Pluto - form a trine, a very positive and powerful aspect (in astrology, this is the name for the angle that planets create to each other). It symbolizes the end of everything old and boring, strong challenges and decisions, and in the long term for the next decade brings prosperity and harmony.

Time for change

Thus, the new 2025 year under the sign of the Snake promises to be a time of significant changes. This is an ideal period for those who want to transform their lives, rethink their goals and directions of development.

Therefore, the coming new year of the Green Wooden Snake is fateful, turning point, completing key processes in the world.

People in the new 2025 will feel themselves under the protection of the Snake and will finally launch processes that they could not start earlier. Take a wait-and-see attitude to make a breakthrough later, or move gradually towards the goal - both of these strategies will bring good results.

Who will be pleased with the year of the Green Wooden Snake?

Chinese astrologers believe that in the year of the Snake, things will go best for teachers and politicians, writers and scientists, people engaged in creative and intellectual activities.

Well, in general, the year is expected to be successful for representatives of the eastern Chinese horoscope, which includes the images of patron animals.

Rat (1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020). Provided that the Rat moderates its curiosity and focuses on real affairs, 2025 will be a successful year for it. The Snake respects the active nature of the Rat and tries not to interfere with it.

Ox (1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009). The Ox's hard work will be appreciated. 2025 promises an absence of any problems. You can also boast of an excellent reserve for the future - the Snake will surround the Ox with care and understanding.

Tiger (1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010). Cooperation will not be easy. The Tiger will have to constantly step over himself or herself, since he and the Snake are completely different in temperament. The slow reptile does not want anyone's advice, and the predator must constantly act actively.

Rabbit / Cat (1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011). The Rabbit should not expect help from the Snake either. But do not think that this is a classic version of the relationship between them. For the Rabbit in 2025, everything can end unexpectedly successfully, because he goes to his goals in the shortest way.

Dragon (1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012). The desire for success and thirst for power of the Dragon can find understanding in the Snake, because, despite everything, they are kindred spirits. Therefore, the motto of 2025: "Don't be afraid to take on increased obligations!"

Snake (1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013). Calmness, love, friendship - all this will be in 2025 if the Snake gets rid of excessive aggressiveness and jealousy towards the partner.

Horse (1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014). Having clearly defined priorities and goals in 2025, the Horse is able to achieve success, and a romantic year awaits her.

Sheep/Goat (1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015). A very successful year for the obedient Goat. Discipline and composure are her main motto in 2025.

Monkey (1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016). The agile Monkey is unlikely to have to sit in one place for a long time in 2025 - circumstances will push her to various trips, business trips and changes. The same applies to love affairs.

Rooster (1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017). In 2025, the Rooster can achieve a lot, showing his characteristic ingenuity. Taking responsibility, openly talking about your claims is advice for achieving success.

Dog (1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018). In 2025, the Dog will only need to honestly fulfill his duty and fearlessly stand guard over his own interests. The Snake will take care of everything else.

Pig (1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019). The Wise Snake promises to assist the thoughtful and persistent Pig in all his affairs and endeavors. This year will allow him to open many doors.

The year 2025, which will pass under the auspices of the Green Wooden Snake, brings unique opportunities and challenges. It is important to use it for self-improvement and the development of personal and professional qualities. The favorites of the year, for whom the year will be especially successful, are people born under the signs of the Snake, Dragon and Rooster.

How to appease the Snake

This year, it is very important to focus on wisdom and intuition in all matters, which are so highly valued by the Snake. The year promises to be a period of significant changes and new discoveries for everyone who is ready to follow them.

The Wooden Snake is distinguished by romanticism, slowness, thoughtfulness and pedantry. The key to success during this period is restrained luxury, graceful beauty. It is worth remembering that in critical moments, when it is really necessary, the Snake can clearly manifest itself and even “release poison,” astrologers warn.

Therefore, in the year of the Snake, you should focus on the spiritual side of life and approach challenges thoughtfully. A philosophical approach will help you overcome difficulties more easily and build deeper relationships with others. In addition, the Snake encourages you to find a balance between business and entertainment.

Ancient sages said that the Snake is able to sense a person’s true intentions. Therefore, it is important to approach the New Year celebration with pure thoughts and an open heart. A good practice would be to keep a gratitude diary in the last weeks of the outgoing year – write down all the good things that happened to you during the outgoing year and express gratitude for these events.

The Snake symbolizes the wise management of resources, so any financial decisions should be carefully weighed. For example, in the last days of the outgoing year, you cannot lend money - it is believed that along with the money you give away your luck and well-being. It is also not recommended to take out loans and make large ill-considered purchases.

It is important to celebrate the New Year without debts - both financial and moral. You need to ask for forgiveness from those whom you may have offended, and forgive your offenders. This will help start the year with a clean slate and attract good luck.

The year 2025 under the sign of the Green Wooden Snake, being the personification of intelligence, wisdom and loyalty, promises to give people a lot of joy.

Happy New Year and new happiness!

Earlier Kazinform News Agency shared how people around the world celebrate the New Year’s Eve.