The authority and the society remain united in understanding and seeing the future prospects, states State Counselor Karin

Kazakhstan’s State Counselor Erlan Karin reflected on the outgoing year in terms of domestic policy, Kazinform News Agency reports.  

State Counselor
State Counselor

Continuation of the reform course

The interview the Head of State gave in January and the 3rd Meeting of the Ulttyq Qurultay set the agenda and content of the domestic political work for the entire 2024 year. A complete package of socially significant laws was developed and adopted throughout the year. The institution of public petitions was launched. The first-ever referendum on construction of a nuclear power plant, the discussion of which became the longest electoral campaign, took place in the CIS and Central Asia. The country went on with elections of rural akims (governors) as well as began work to regulate the spheres of onomastics, monuments and heraldry as well as state and public awards.

The progressive realization of state initiatives in the social and humanitarian sphere went on: the National Fund for Children program, Comfortable Schools national project, Universal education program at schools, new grants and internships for young scholars, enhancing the status and prestige of working professions.

Solutions to new challenges

The state apparatus successfully coped with the challenges emerged. The president’s policy helped maintain peace and accord in the country, enhance sovereignty and security of Kazakhstan amid the unprecedented international tensions. The country managed to deal with the damage caused by the massive floods as early as possible, with all those affected provided with all-round support. The systemic measures to protect the rights of women and children as well as coordinate the struggle against child suicides were adopted.

New public ethics

The process of solidification of new public values proceeded, with the principles of justice, law and order becoming key narratives not only for state authorities but also for the entire society. The civil society actively participated in the presidential initiative Taza Kazakhstan as well as in the fight against domestic violence, aggression and vandalism, drug addiction, gambling and squandering. The topics of code of conduct and ethical conduct were increasingly at the center of public debates.

Promotion of social consolidation

Despite the discussions around the ongoing topics, the authority and the society remain united in understanding and seeing the future prospects in general. According to the recent survey by the KazISS, 77.7% of the citizens believe Kazakhstan is developing in the right direction. The public support is an unwavering backbone of continuation of reforms in the upcoming 2025 year.

Earlier, State Counselor Erlan Karin spoke about raising the prestige of working professions.