tagan Baishev (1909-1982) is a public figure, scientist, Doctor of Science, Economics, professor, academician of Kazakhstan Academy of Science, honored worker of science of Kazakhstan, laureate of Sh. Ualikhanov award.

He was born in Akzhar village of Baigany municipality, Aktobe region. In 1927 he graduated from Temir Russian-Kazakh Labor School and then worked as a chairman of municipality bureau of young pioneers in Karsakpay town. In 1930 he became executive secretary of AULYCL district committee in Turkestan city. That time he began his economic research.
Later S. Baishev worked for 'Leninshil Zhas' national newspaper as head of department and then as a deputy editor. That time he joined the Red Army. After his military service he was directed to study in Marxism-Leninism Institute in Almaty city. Since 1937 he was a director of the Kazakh Scientific and Research Institute of Marxism-Leninism and since 1938 - he was an executive editor of 'Socialistyk Kazakhstan' (now 'Yegemen Kazakhstan'). In 1941-1945 he was a political worker of the 100th, then the 364th rifle division. For his feats of arms he was awarded with the Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree and medals for war services.
After the war Baishev headed the Kazakh affiliate of Marxism-Leninism Institute during ten years. In 1948 he defended a PhD thesis. He translated into Kazakh language several works of K. Marks including 'Capital', works of F. Engels and V.I. Lenin.
In 1956 he was an academician and vice president of the Academy of Science of the Kazakh SSR. In 1959 he was a chairman of the Supreme Council of the Kazakh SSR and in 1963-1982 he worked as a director, head of department of Institute of Economy.
During the years of his public activity he published over 300 scientific works including 7 monographs. The last years of his life he devoted to teaching.
Temir Secondary School in Aktobe region, Research and Universal Library in Aktobe city and Street in Almaty city received his name.
Source: Kazakhstan, National Encyclopedia, volume 1.