Party's mission is to ensure political stability, says Aidos Ukibay

NUR-SULTAN. KAZINFORM – An extended session of the Political Council of the Nur Otan Party chaired by Nursultan Nazarbayev was held today. The First President of Kazakhstan clarified the milestones for the further «reset» of the Nur Otan Party, said Aidos Ukibay, Spokesman of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Elbasy (Leader of the Nation), Kazinform reports.


«Besides, Elbasy elaborated onthe current problems in the economic sector. To tackle them, NursultanNazarbayev proposed several measures which, first of all, will be tangible forrepresentatives of SMEs, as well as their consumers, that is, ordinarycitizens.

This is not for the first time that Elbasy has raised the topic ofintroducing artificial intelligence technologies into various sectors of thenational economy. This is the imperative of our time. And now the important thingis to take the lead,» added Aidos Ukibay.

According to him, the main purpose and essence of the meeting is to ensurepolitical stability.

«We see what is going on in the world. In the history of mankind, thereare many examples of how great empires were ruined. The reason for all thesedisasters is the lack of people’s unity.

Within three decades, Kazakhstan has made good headway. We haveachieved impressive results in various fields. Now Elbasy is making everyeffort to preserve the main values ​​of Kazakhstan - independence andfriendship of the people.

I believe that all the messages of the meeting primarilytarget our youth. The First President repeatedly dwelt on the concerns of theyounger generation. Elbasy knows about the persistent problems of the society,and, as Nursultan Nazarbayev emphasized, they can’t be swept under the carpet.The Party will have to actively take on identifying and resolving them. Thereare problems, but we should tackle them together, in a civilized way,» the Spokesmanof the First President of Kazakhstan underscored.

«Also, Iconsider it appropriate to elaborate on the item regarding the government’s socialobligations. The main point of Elbasy’s statements is that it is through workthat a person will be able to provide for himself/herself and his/her family. Onecan’t be dependent on society all his/her life. People should set theirminds on work, rather than waiting for government allowances. For several times,the First President has emphasized that support must be provided only to thosewho are not capable of earning money due to objective reasons.

Inconclusion, I want to say that Nursultan Nazarbayev today called on allconcerned citizens to unite to ensure that the country is consistently developingand that it will join the world’s top 30 developed countries. And the Party,for its part, will have to become the consolidating and driving force of thisprocess,» added Aidos Ukibay.

Earlier itwas reported that the extended session of the Political Council of the Nur OtanParty kicked off in the Kazakh capital.