Nur-Sultan to host next intl high-level meeting on Syria on Aug 1-2
NUR-SULTAN. KAZINFORM The next 13th International High-Level Meeting on Syria within the Astana Process will be held in Nur-Sultan city on August 1-2, 2019, Kazinform learnt from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Delegationsof the guarantor states - Iran, Russia and Turkey, Syrian Government and armedopposition groups – are expected to attend the meeting. The highrepresentatives of the UN, Jordan, as well as Lebanon and Iraq, who willparticipate in the Astana peace process for the first time, will facilitate tothe talks as observers.
Themain emphasis of the upcoming meeting will be placed on a review of the currentsituation in Syria, particularly, in the province of Idlib and in northeasternSyria, further measures to continue building confidence between the conflictingparties and advance the political process with a focus on finalizing theformation and launch of the Constitutional Committee.
Bilateraland multilateral preliminary consultations, including with participation of theSyrian Government and opposition groups representatives will be held on August1, and a plenary session – on August 2.