Nur Otan provided employment to 9,000 school graduates in 2016

ASTANA. KAZINFORM At a meeting with heads of its departments and regional branches First Deputy Chairman of Nur Otan political party, Mukhtar Kul-Muhammed summed up the results of 2016 and outlined the main priorities for 2017.


In 2016 Nur Otan has upgraded the format of its work. For example the party has considerably strengthened its control and audit functions. Upon the Head of State instructions it established commissions on monitoring the effectiveness of implementation of key government programs including "Nurly Zhol" project.

In 2016 Nur Otan has successfully completed President's instruction to provide support to school graduates who have not passed the Unified National Testing or did not take it. The party helped to employ 9,000 out of 54,000 such graduates and the rest of them it helped to enter universities and vocational schools.

In 2016 Nur Otan has also strengthened the work of its Public Office, by launching a "hot line" and a website. And last year over 226 thousand Kazakhstanis submitted their requests for party's assistance. According to Mr Kul-Muhammed, this clearly indicates the growth of party's authority among citizens.

Last year upon the Head of State instruction Nur Otan has established NURINTECH, an unparalleled innovative contest. Its main purpose is to give impetus to the development of scientific thought among youngsters. Every year NURINTECH will select and promote the best projects. In 2016, 20 finalists have already received their prizes.

In order to ensure access to quality higher education for talented young people from low income families the party has launched Nur Arman project. And last year 9 young people have already received grants to study in the UK, China, Malaysia and Russia.

The party has also introduced a short and long-term activities planning system for both the central office and its branches, making it possible to efficiently allocate resources, prioritize activities and to ensure control over the effectiveness of its members' work at all levels.

The party has stepped up in its awareness-raising and explanatory work by opening a Center of Political Analysis and Strategic Studies, launching a new website, raising the quality of interactions media etc.

Mukhtar Kul-Muhammed suggested an extensive discussion and explanation of the presidential program Nurly Zher, agricultural development program, as well as productive employment and other programs. Also, party members should strengthen the monitoring and control of its election program implementation.

Summing up the meeting, Mukhtar Kul-Muhammed said that this year Nur Otan turns 18. During this time it became the most numerous, credible and truly nationwide political force in Kazakhstan, bringing together faithful supporters of the president.

"On this momentous to all party's members year, we are obliged to provide one hundred percent fulfillment of the President's instructions for the benefit of our fatherland - the Republic of Kazakhstan. The President has set difficult tasks in fromnt of us. But if each of in their respective field works good and puts their hearts into what we do as does our leader, we will succeed and achieve the objectives outlined in "Kazakhstan - 2050" Development Strategy", concluded Mukhtar Kul- Muhammed.