auya Yermekov (born in 1921) is a scientist, doctor of geological-mineralogical sciences, professor, member-correspondent of the Kazakh Academy of Science, academician of the National Academy of Science of Kazakhstan.
He was born in Aul Nr. 6 of Abay municipality in East-Kazakhstan Oblast.
He graduated from Kazakh Ore Mining and Smelting Institute (now K. Satpayev Kazakh National Technical Unoversity) and postgraduate studentship of the same institute.
In 1950-1958 he is a senior geologist, head of the thematic troop of 'Kazakhuglegeologiya' corporation of the USSR Ministry of Coal Mining.
In 1958-1963 he is a department chairman of the Chemistry-Metallurgical Institute of the Kazakh Academy of Science; in 1963-1970 he is a senior research worker, head of Laboratory of Karaganda Research Coal Institute; in 1970-1989 he is a department chairman of geology of Karaganda Polytechnic Institute (now Karaganda State Technical University).
Since 1989 he is a professor of Karaganda State Technical University.
He is the expert in fight against gas in coal mines, the author of non-traditional modeling for complex processes.
He is the co-author of several books as "Gas Presence in Coal Basins and Deposits of Kazakhstan", "Gas Presence in Coal Basins and Deposits of the USSR" (Moscow, 1979); "Statistic-Deterministic Approach to Construction of Multivariate Models with the use of Computer", (Karaganda, 1988).
He was awarded with the Order of Patriotic War of the 1st grade and medals.
Source: Kazakhstan, National Encyclopedia, Volume 2.