‘Made in Kazakhstan’ should mean ‘organic’, President

ASTANA. KAZINFORM -  The agrarian sector should become the new driver of economy. The agro-industrial complex of Kazakhstan has a perspective future - says President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev.     


"In many line items we can be one of the world's largest producers of agricultural export products, especially in production of organic food. 'Made in Kazakhstan' brand should become a benchmark of organic food products.

At the same time we should become Eurasia's "grain basket". We should transit from raw production to release of high-quality, processed products in order to compete in the international markets.

With this respect I tell the Government and akims:

first, it is necessary to review the principles of allocation of subsidies and gradually switch to insurance of products;

second, within 5 years it is necessary to create the conditions required for consolidation of more than 500 thousand households and small farms within cooperatives;

third, it is necessary to enhance the level of processing, create an effective system of storage, transportation and sale of goods;

fourth, it is necessary to raise labor productivity level and cut production expenses;

fifth, we should make land management more effective. Within 5 years the area of the irrigated lands should be increased by 40%, and make it 2 million hectares;

sixth, it is necessary to increase the volume of investment into agricultural scientific research which will be in demand.

I charge to increase export of food products by 40% by 2021 through diversification of production of agricultural products.

These tasks must be implemented within the new state program of development of agro-industrial complex" ¸ - said N. Nazarbayev in the Message to the people of Kazakhstan.