Lynx caught on trap camera in E Kazakhstan region

Specialists of the Katon-Karagay National Park have captured a rare and mysterious forest dweller - lynx, Kazinform News Agency has learnt from the Forestry and Wildlife Committee Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


“The lynx is a true master of camouflage, known for its sharp claws, excellent hearing and unique tassels on its ears. Interestingly, at the same place the camera trap had earlier captured the snow leopard, a regal inhabitant of the mountain peaks. Thanks to these rare images, we can better understand the amazing world of our wildlife,” the committee noted in a statement.

Photo credit: the Forestry and Wildlife Committee Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan

As reported earlier, Turkistan lynxes were caught on trap cameras in the Ile-Alatau State National Nature Park.