Kazakhstan’s stock market capitalization hits KZT32tln

Madina Abylkassymova, chairwoman of the Agency for Regulation and Development of the Financial Market, Kazakhstan's banking sector assets have more than doubled to 58 trillion tenge, Kazinform News Agency correspondent reports.


According to Abylkassymova, the banking sector is stable and well-capitalized, with the banks’ core capital ratios are above the established ratios by more than three times.

The stock market capitalization has increased 83% to up to 32 trillion tenge in the past five years (with KASE welcoming 150 new listings) …the microfinance sector’s assets have been up 8fold to up to 2.8 trillion tenge since 2019, she said during the 12th Congress of Financers of Kazakhstan.

As Abylkassymova said, the total assets of insurance organizations have more than doubled and stand at 2.8 trillion tenge.

Earlier it was reported that demand or Kazakhstani bonds exceeded supply by four times.