Kazakhstan ranks among world’s Top-50 countries in AI Preparedness Index

Artificial intelligence is actively implemented in all spheres of economy. AI is expected to drastically reshape the global economy, having revolutionized everything – from labour markets to digital infrastructure and supply chains. According to the International Monetary Fund, almost 40% of global employment is exposed to AI, while some sectors are exposed to AI-based automation than others, Kazinform News Agency reports citing ranking.kz.


AI is projected to reach the human intelligence level by 2030 and add $4.4 trillion to the global economy every year. 60 countries including Brazil, China, the EU, Singapore, and South Korea, have already developed their national AI strategies. These strategies vary from general recommendations to the detailed laws regulating AI use, like in the EU.

International cooperation in the field of AI also gathers pace, with the Global AI Partnership established in 2020, which unites 29 countries including Canada, Japan and the U.S. Experts believe that the organizations should take measures now to avoid judicial and financial risks, although the regulations on AI are still being developed.

According to the IMF’s AI Preparedness Index 2023, Singapore, Denmark and the U.S. are the world’s most prepared countries for AI. For instance, Singapore actively invests in the development of AI and creates tools for public servants helping their citizens master these technologies quickly.

The AI Preparedness Index (AIPI) assesses four key factors - Digital Infrastructure, Human Capital, Innovations and Regulation – across 174 countries. Singapore, Denmark and the U.S. are scored high for AI preparedness, while South Sudan, Afghanistan and Somalia are least prepared.

Kazakhstan is ranked among Top-50 in the AI Preparedness Index (0.55) having occupied the 48th line, one spot lower than Russia (0.56).

Among the Central Asian and EAEU countries, Kazakhstan stands behind Russia, but is followed by Armenia, Belarus and Kyrgyzstan. Tajikistan and Uzbekistan hold lower positions in the ranking, which proves the need to speed up AI development in these countries.