Kazakhstan is ranked 32nd in the Global Food Security Index

The latest Global Food Security Index by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) ranked Kazakhstan 32nd in terms of global food security deterioration between 2019 and 2022, reports a Kazinform News Agency correspondent.


The index measures the affordability, availability, quality and safety, as well as sustainability and adaptation of food across 68 indicators in 113 countries.

Kazakhstan’s overall score is 72.1, with affordability at 78.0, availability at 67.2, quality and safety at 76.3, and sustainability and adaptation at 65.4.

The report also indicates that Kazakhstan, an upper-middle-income country in the Asia and Pacific region, has a 2.5% prevalence of undernourishment, 6.7% of children stunted, and 2.0% of children underweight, 21.3% prevalence of obesity, and a Human Development Index score of 0.83.

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Photo: impact.economist.com

Finland, Ireland and Norway were named as the countries with the highest levels of food security in 2022, while Yemen, Haiti and Syria had the lowest. The gap between the best and worst performers has been growing since 2019, highlighting the worsening state of inequality in the global food system. The United States comes in rank 13 out of 113, with a score of 78.0.

Food security declined the most drastically between 2022 and 2012 in Syria, falling a total of 10.5 points. It also worsened in nine other countries in that time frame, the worst of which were Haiti (-5.4), Venezuela (-4.9), Colombia (-2.2) and Zambia (-1.8).

According to the EIU, the food system’s weakening is due to a number of overlapping risks, including volatility in agricultural production, scarcity of natural resources, increasing economic inequality, a rising number of climate-induced shocks such as droughts and floods, as well as trade and supply-chain volatility.