Kazakhstan develops sanitary requirements for crematoria and columbaria

The Ministry of Healthcare has drafted amendments to the sanitary-epidemiological requirements for the cemeteries and funeral facilities, namely crematoria, columbaria, funeral homes and funeral service shops, Kazinform News Agency reports.


According to the amendments, the columbaria and urn walls must be installed in designated areas, including outside the cemeteries, but no closer than 50 meters to residential buildings, institutions and cottage buildings.

Ashes are allowed to be buried in columbaria or graves. Crematoria shall contain a room for accepting and storing the deceased human remains, cremation facilities with the equipment for ashes processing and storage, a ceremony room with a mourning hall and an adaptation room, rest rooms and a personnel room.

All facilities shall be equipped with the mechanical ventilation systems.

The employees of the crematoria must be immunized against tetanus and anthrax.  

The document was published on the legalacts.egov.kz portal and will be available for public discussion until December 2.