Kazakh peacekeepers start their mission in Middle East

Military personnel of Kazakhstan have arrived safely in Syria to carry out the first independent UN mission in the Middle East, Kazinform News Agency correspondent reports.


On March 15, the first group of 139 servicemen arrived in Damascus on board of three C295 planes of the Armed Forces of Kazakhstan. After then the contingent will head to one of the most unstable regions in the world - the Golan Heights. This is a disputed territory, controlled mostly by Israel, while 600 square kilometers in the eastern part remains under Syria’s control.

The peacekeepers were warmly welcomed by Syrians, as locals understand that the military personnel from Kazakhstan came here to ensure order in the Middle East’s escalation zones.

The nature itself favoured the newcomers with a comfortable weather, invigorating coolness, without scorching heat.

Upon passing all procedures at the airport and loading the luggage, the Kazakh military personnel headed to the UN base. 

In the nearest time, the peacekeepers will receive equipment and weapons  sent to Damascus before their arrival.

As reported, the Kazakh Parliament approved the deployment of 430 peacekeepers to participate in United Nation's missions in the Middle East and Africa at the joint meeting of Parliament chambers on January 19.

Thus, the Kazakh peacekeepers will serve under the flag of Kazakhstan as part of the following UN missions: the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF, Syria-Israel), UN Truce Supervision Authority (UNTSO, Palestine-Israel), UN Mission in the Republic of South Sudan (UNMISS, South Sudan) and United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA, Sudan).