FUTURE STARTS TODAY: Administrative reform, industrialization & universal labor - the three pillars of «Kazakhstan-2050» Strategy

ALMATY. November 29. KAZINFORM - Administrative reform, industrial revolution and universal labor are the tasks set by the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev in the "Kazakhstan-2050" Strategy which have been called by analysts as three pillars of modernization of Kazakhstan's society to move to a new level of life. Political scientist Saiyn Borbasov shared his opinion with the correspondent of Kazinform.


- Mr. Borbasov, for almost a year Kazakhstan lives in accordance with a new document voiced by the President in December last year. It is about the decentralization of power, Akims' elections which were for the first time held this year. What these changes were caused by?

- Changes of early 90s of the last century demanded Nursultan Nazarbayev - charismatic leader to become the Head of our state. The President was elected by popular vote and not once. Therefore, we can confidently say that the President's power in Kazakhstan has fully proved value.

But today and in the near future presidential power is at a stage of development, modernization and improvement. President has deliberately delegated powers of authorities to local bodies and the Parliament. Truly democratic state's formation is in progress.

Many aspects of the political reforms were initiated by the presidential power and it is necessary because we have built a state of moderately changing orienting point and priorities. Now, when local authorities can and should solve their problems themselves, the President is making such reforms deliberately. Decentralization of power, strengthening of local government form the process of controlled democracy.

- The Strategy poses a serious challenge - by mid-century Kazakhstan should reach indicators of most developed countries. What are basic rates of the document?

- Kazakhstan should become the state that does not sell raw materials but the state that sells finished goods. This is the essence of economic policy.

The President believes that in the short term we must give priority to industrial-innovative development of Kazakhstan. This means building more than 700 new industrial enterprises that will produce innovative products of high demand in the world.

Therefore we should create the post-industrial state by 2050. In short, a post-industrial state is a developed nation. 30-40 countries in the world can be called post-industrial and we must enter that number. And if today's gross domestic product per capita is more than USD 12 thousand then after 15 years Kazakhstan should produce around USD 20-22 thousand gross product per capita. This is the essence, the cornerstone of the Strategy.

- The Strategy notes that every citizen of Kazakhstan should make efforts to meet these ambitious goals. We need to become more educated and hardworking.

- No doubt! We should form intellectual nation. And labor should become the basis for the existence, the way of life of every citizen of Kazakhstan. Labor is a core value. Therefore, every citizen of Kazakhstan must work tirelessly without labor we will not be able to build a highly-developed society. But we must understand that labor is not just a mechanical process. This meaning includes education, innovation and science. Innovation, knowledge and labor must go together.

- Thank you for the interview!