EAEU plans to reduce duty-free limit for imports

ASTANA. KAZINFORM The maximum cost of goods that can be imported into the territory of the EAEU for personal use might be lowered from €1,500 to €500, according to RBC.


The change, however, is expected to happen gradually. Thus, in 2017 and 2018 the threshold will remain the same, in 2019 it will be €1,000, € 750 in 2020, and will finally reach €500 in 2021.

The document also reduces the maximum weight of goods that can be imported into the Union duty-free from current 50 kg to 25 kg in 2021. The changes will only apply to those entering EAEU by land and sea. In addition, they only cover goods for personal use.

For goods for personal use brought in by air, the maximum weight and cost will remain the same - 50 kg and € 10 thousand, respectively.

In December 2016, Vedomosti, with reference to the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Russian and the EEC, wrote that the cost of Internet purchases that are not subject to duties will be gradually reduced - first to €500 per month (exceeding it the duty will make 30 percent, Not less than €4 for 1 kg), and then to €200 (15 percent and € 2). The threshold will be lowered to €500 by the middle of 2018, according to the EEC representative.