Dimash Qudaibergen, Maya Bekbayeva awarded status of Kazakhstan’s Goodwill Ambassadors

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan has awarded the status of the Goodwill Ambassadors of Kazakhstan to another group of citizens at a ceremony held with the participation of the First Deputy Foreign Minister Akan Rakhmetullin, Kazinform News Agency reports.


Initiated by the Head of State, the Goodwill Ambassadors of Kazakhstan project is called to become one more important step towards strengthening the country’s image and popularization of its achievements and values abroad, Akan Rakhmetullin said.

On June 6, 2024, the project was officially launched by Deputy Prime Minister- Minister of Foreign Affairs Murat Nurtleu. Among the first recipients of the status are violin virtuoso Marat Bisengaliev, Olympic champion  Alexander Vinokurov, artist and anti-nuclear activist Karipbek Kuyukov, pop singer Mirhidai Mirfarukh, known globally as  Adam, Chairman of the Executive Board of the University Medical Center Corporate Fund and cardiac surgeon Yuriy Pya, political scientist and historical map researcher Mukhit-Ardager Sydyknazarov, chief conductor of the Otyrar Sazy  State Academic Folklore and Ethnographic Orchestra Dinara Tlendiyeva, and powerlifter Sergey Tsyrulnikov.

Photo credit: Soltan Zhexenbekov/ Kazinform

Addressing the 2nd Goodwill Ambassadors of Kazakhstan awards ceremony, Akan Rakhmetullin said that Kazakhstan is perceived in the world as a peace-loving and progressive state. The geographical location of Kazakhstan at the junction of the Silk Road and the genetic code of its multiethnic nation, aspiring for peace, accord and dialogue, have predetermined the development of equal and mutually beneficial relations with the world.

"Amid the current geopolitical conditions, Kazakhstan’s balanced and pragmatic foreign policy, conducted in accordance with the UN Charter and international law, gains more importance," he noted.

Rakhmetullin said that Kazakhstan positions itself as a reliable partner in global and regional affairs and an active participant in international organizations, which is proved by the country’s simultaneous chairmanship in 6 international structures this year.

"Kazakhstan actively contributes to strengthening the international and regional security and assists in the development of dialogue among the nations. A bright example of that is Kazakhstan’s mediation and peacekeeping activities,” emphasized he. 

According to him, Kazakhstan's foreign policy vector development is a continuation of domestic policy aimed at transforming political and socio-economic reforms, which, in turn, are aimed at building an inclusive, responsible and competitive society.

“We stand for maintaining a modern image of Kazakhstani identity on the global stage and familiarizing foreign audience  with the heritage of nomadic and authentic culture.In the current conditions and realities, culture, science, art, and sport significantly contribute to the popularization of the country, strengthening peace and harmony, and establishing friendship and mutual understanding among the nations. People-to-people, cultural, and humanitarian diplomacy are becoming popular tools of soft power,” he added.

Akan Rakhmetullin noted that the Kazakh vocalist Dimash Kudaibergen had already accepted the mission of Goodwill Ambassador and is successfully fulfilling it.The status of Goodwill Ambassador was also awarded to four outstanding Kazakhstanis: opera singer and soloist of Kazakh and Italian theaters Maria Mudryak, famous journalist, TV presenter and producer Maya Bekbayeva, archaeologist Dmitry Voyakin, and head of Qazaq Geography board, ethnographer Aigerim Mussagazhinova. 

Photo credit: Soltan Zhexenbekov/Kazinform

"I am pleased and honored to represent my homeland, Kazakhstan, as a Goodwill Ambassador. Indeed, our country has a very unique, rich history based on the principles of peace, creativity and unity. In the difficult 20th century, Kazakhstan became home to dozens of nations, millions of people. This is the heritage that we are truly proud of,"  Maya Bekbayeva said.

She expressed confidence that dialogue, mutual understanding and diplomacy are what humanity needs in the complex modern world.

Aigerim Mussagazhinova told Kazinform about her plans to develop food diplomacy. 

"It is a great honor for me to be part of this project and develop food diplomacy at the international level. Kazakh cuisine is not just recipes and a series of dishes. Kazakh cuisine is our cultural code. And we have something to tell. More than 1,500  recipes of Kazakh dishes have been restored to date. This is a deep philosophy, through which we can reveal the hospitality of our people, the cultural code, the genetic code of our country. I am ready to further study and develop this area," she noted.

Photo credit: Soltan Zhexenbekov/ Kazinform
Photo credit: Soltan Zhexenbekov/ Kazinform

Earlier, Kazinform reported that Dimash Qudaibergen for the fourth time won National People’s Choice Award "Khalyktyn Suiktisi 2024" in Culture nomination.