Atyrau region's agricultural output amounts to 95.6bln tenge in 2024

The number of cattle in Atyrau region has exceeded 223,800 heads this year, according to governor Serik Shapkenov, Kazinform News Agency reports.


“Since the year beginning, the region has manufactured agricultural products to the amount of 95.6 billion tenge. This year, local agrarians  planned to plant crops on an area of 10,300 hectares. Unfortunately, only 5,300 hectares of lands were planted due to the floods. The good news is that the number of cattle in our region has exceeded 223,800 heads. The number of poultry heads also doubled, having reached 79,000 in 2023, and 195,000 in 2024,” Serik Shapkenov said at the briefing today.

According to him, the region is implementing three investment projects in agricultural sector, employing 90 people. Next year, the region plans to implement another four projects worth 26.2 billion tenge due to which 187 jobs will be created.

The governor also reported on the work carried out under the Auyl Amanaty national project. The project enabled to implement unique ideas of small and medium businesses. 761 million tenge were allocated from the regional budget for this purpose. 83 projects are being implemented in this sector. 

"The projects contribute to the creation of new jobs in rural areas and are aimed at increasing local population's incomes and strengthening the region's economy. 50 projects are aimed at development of cattle breeding. The goal of 30 projects is to support small and medium businesses. Three projects are aimed at agricultural development," the governor added. 

Earlier, Serik Shapkenov said that 31,374 jobs had been created in the region since the year beginning. 22,000 of them are permanent jobs