Astana discusses role of Constitution in Kazakhstan's legal system formation
ASTANA. KAZINFORM On the threshold of the 20th anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the prosecutor's office of Astana has organized a roundtable meeting on "The Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan - the Foundation of Building the Rule-of State."
"On August 30, 1995 the social and political life of Kazakhstan welcomed the most important event - the adoption of the current Constitution. From this historical moment we laid the foundation of Kazakhstan's legal framework. The country firmly and decisively embarked on the road of building the rule-of-state, where supremacy of statute law based on priority of human rights is recognized and implemented. It finally secured the independence of Kazakhstan and provided a firm basis for formation and strengthening the institutions of the state and civil society. The Constitution ensured dynamic development of the country's economic, social and cultural potential," Astana Prosecutor Sabyrzhan Bekbossynov said. Member of the Constitutional Council Ilyas Bakhtybayev, senior officials of the law-enforcement structures and Astana justice department, Chief Research Fellow of the Institute of the Prosecutor General's Office Raziya Akparova, Editor-in-Chief of "Chelovek i Zakon" (Man and Law) newspaper Marat Bashimov, local administration officials, member of the Council of Veterans of the Astana Prosecutor's Office Kairat Kenzhebulatov and head of "Pravo" (Law) Public Foundation Olga Ryl took part in the discussion.