Armless guy in Turkistan region strives to build his dream world

Nyshangali Rahman demonstrated that the will and spirit are more powerful than the body. He draws, engages in sports, and aspires to become an architect, Kazinform News Agency reports.


Nyshangali was born in a big family in the Baydibek district of the Turkistan region. Nyshangali showed remarkable resilience and determination since childhood. Instead of wondering about his circumstances, he developed the ability to overcome adversity. Despite medical professionals' initial expectations, the boy achieved feats that were previously considered beyond his capabilities, including learning to draw, write, and utilize a computer with his feet.

“When I draw my favorite animated characters and cartoon heroes, my soul rests, I feel happiness. For me, it is not just a hobby, but a way of self-expression, a way to find harmony in a world that sometimes seems cruel,” he says.

Photo credit: a photo from Nyshangali Rahman's personal archive
Photo credit: a photo from Nyshangali Rahman's personal archive

Nyshangali is a second-year student at the Kentau Special Vocational College. The 19-year-old student's objective is to become an architect and demonstrate that perceived limitations are merely a construct of the mind.

In addition to his artistic pursuits, he engages in various athletic activities, including soccer, tennis, and archery. The boy maintains his focus on achieving his goals even when engaged in leisure activities such as swimming. The young man is actively engaged in college life, participating in chess and checkers, and even organizing social events for his peers.

Photo credit: a photo from Nyshangali Rahman's personal archive
Photo credit: a photo from Nyshangali Rahman's personal archive

“Nyshangali is not just an example of fortitude, but a symbol that you can overcome any difficulty if you believe in yourself and are not afraid to go forward. He even won the best archer award by shooting archery with his feet! We have discos on weekends. He is our DJ,” his fellow students say proudly.

Photo credit: a photo from Nyshangali Rahman's personal archive

Nyshangali's example also motivates the faculty at the college, which is the country's only educational institution for children with disabilities. They emphasize that true strength lies not in physical fitness, but in an inner attitude, drive, and willingness to work on oneself.

Earlier it was reported that state websites will be obliged to adapt content for people with disabilities to ensure equal access to information. Kazakhstan will also modernize the system of social services for people with disabilities.