About 6,000 policemen resign every year - M.Demeuov

ASTANA. KAZINFORM - "Heavy workload and non-standard work schedule in internal affairs structures, lack of proper benefits and low salaries, compared to other law enforcement bodies, are the main reason for staff turnover in this sphere," First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs, Lieutenant-General of the Police Marat Demeuov says.


About 6,000 policemen resign every year for different reasons. In recent years the authorities of the country launched a package of measures to this situation and to raise the level of technical equipment of the internal affairs structures. Both junior and senior officers' salaries have been raised from KZT 29,000 to KZT 60,000 respectively, depending on their ranks.

According to him, in April 2014 the President signed the Law "On Internal Affairs Structures" providing for significant social package for the MIA employees. For instance, payment of rent for the employees of operational investigations and special divisions as well as for the majority of employees of the correctional system.

"We expect also, that the pension coverage of the law enforcement employees will be improved too. This proves that the society realizes the role, the place and the importance of the policemen in the country's life and the measures taken today will help reduce staff turnover", the First Deputy Minister stressed.