19th-century photographs of Kazakh Steppes transferred to State Archive

Kazakh metamodernist artist Aruhan (Gaukhar Bissengalieva) has transferred a unique collection of 19th-century photographs of Kazakh life, taken by George Frost, to the Central State Archive of Film and Photographic Documents, Kazinform News Agency correspondent reports.


Aruhan shared the story of how she discovered these historic photographs:

"This summer, while working in state archives, I came across a series of photographs that immediately caught my attention. One of them, dated 1885–1886, stood out for its composition and atmosphere. It deeply moved me and marked the beginning of my exploration into the life and work of George Frost," said Bissengalieva.

Inspired by her discovery, Aruhan continued her research and uncovered a series of George Frost's works in the archives of the US Library of Congress. Frost’s photographs became a source of inspiration for Aruhan. Using her unique felt-working technique, she created a series of works that have already been exhibited at the Abilkhan Kasteev State Art Museum.

Yurt in the Kazakh steppes. Photo сredit: George Frost / Library of Congress

George Frost, a renowned photographer and artist, traveled across the Kazakh steppes alongside explorer George Kennan. His photographs are exceptional not only for their historical significance but also for the artist's ability to capture details that convey the spirit of the time.

Yurt in the Kazakh steppes. Photo credit: George Frost / Library of Congress

As Aruhan notes, transferring more than 45 photographs to the Central State Archives of Film and Photographic Documents is only the beginning.

"Together with the State Archive, we plan to organize an exhibition that will not only showcase the work of George Frost but also unveil new chapters of Kazakh history. We aim to remind people that our heritage is not just history, it’s a source of strength for future generations," shared the metamodernist artist.

Bissengalieva’s project, titled "From Steppe to the City," will continue its mission of exploring the history of the Great Steppe and bringing it closer to the present generation.

"A person may not remember everything, but the steppe remembers everything," these words remain my guiding star, inspiring me to make new discoveries and preserve heritage for future generations," added Aruhan.